Stories / April 2024

Into the (Un)known,
our newest film

Bilbao and Paris: exclusive premieres in May with Kilian Jornet

The film about Kilian Jornet’s latest adventure

Into the (Un)known is a journey through Kilian’s mind as he takes on the hardest challenge of his career.

Bilbao and Paris: a stage set for adventure with Kilian Jornet

Two unforgettable nights in two iconic European cities. Just hours post-Zegama, where we’ll witness Kilian Jornet’s season debut, we invite you to Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao for an exclusive first showing of our film. There will be a talk about the film after the screening with Kilian Jornet and the team.

The following day, Kilian Jornet will be waiting for you in Paris, the second location of this tour will take place with the same format at the UGC Normandie cinema, located on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées in Paris.

Do you want to join this event?

Anyone who would like to attend the event as an audience member can do so by buying tickets.

→ Bilbao

Sunday, 26 May | 8.30pm (doors open at 8pm)
Euskalduna (same place as Mendifilm)

Bilbao tickets here

→ Paris

Monday, 27 May | 8pm (doors open at 7.30pm)
UGC Normandie (near Arc de Triomphe)

Paris tickets here

We look forward to seeing you!

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