NNormal and Vibram join together to restore your shoes.

Learn more, and find a cobbler near you.

How it works

NNormal shoes can now be resoled and repaired by our partners at Vibram.

The outsole manufacturing company employs cobblers across the world to work on various models of shoes—and select Vibram cobblers in France, Italy, and Spain are now specially trained to resole NNormal shoes and to repair certain components of our shoes as they start to break down. This in turn will extend the life of the whole shoe. We’re excited to continue growing the program.

We’ve said this before, but one of the most important things we can do for the planet is to focus on durability, so that we can keep things in use longer. This initiative supports small, independent businesses across Europe, and highlights our shared commitment to changing the way shoes are made and used.

Program Description

Repair if you Care

Vibram started the resole initiative as a way to emphasize the value of repair, and the role that individuals can play in reducing waste.

The cost of repair will depend on what kind of work needs to be done.

NNormal shoes will be resoled with the Zegalite which uses Vibram’s high performance rubber for the best grip on both wet and dry terrain. Importantly, the Zegalite is also very durable, which means your shoes will hold up to more kilometers. 

Cobblers will also be able to repair the uppers, fix threads, change laces, and repair the heel area.